In the Realm of King Arthur, the Monty Python team set out on a quest to recruit the best Knights in the kingdom and find the Holy Grail.This is Classic Python Mayhem, where we encounter Killer rabbits, Knights who go Nee! and Horny Nuns who lure the unsuspecting in with there Grail Shaped Beacon.The Cast all give Typically Hilarious Performances, bringing another must see to the Python Loving Audience.If You Like Monty Python, you'll love it, if you don't then stay away.If you've never seen Monty Python before then give it a try, yes it's dated but its still great fun.9/10Also see, The Life Of Brian and The Meaning of Life
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
The first time I saw this was on CBS at 11:30 on a Friday night. I had seen a few Monty Python shows on PBS, so I knew who they were, and I was very interested in seeing this.This film shows you just what all around comedy is all about.It starts during the opening credits and ends in a way you don't see coming. The songs are....memorable. The drawings/animation are imaginative for its time and the Monty Python troupe was at its shining best playing a host of characters from the days of King Arthur. If you don't laugh at this today, you have no funny bone! Many other reviewers here hit this film on the nose, there isn't much more to add to how brilliant this piece of work it.This is one of my all time favorites and is one of the top 10 films of all time.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
As we all know, the Brits have fantastic humor. They have brought us some of the finest comedies: Bridget Jones, Shaun of the Dead, Love Actually, etc. "Monty Python" is a classic comedy that should not be missed by anyone. I mean, seriously, these scenes and jokes are off the wall hilarious! "Kanighets!" and "'Tis but a scratch" were my favorite lines and scenes from the film. This is such classic and slapstick humor that I miss in movies these days. This film is rightly on the top 250 and is one of those films you should see before you die. Trust me, this is guaranteed laughter on the floor! If you don't laugh, you must be dead or something because I couldn't breathe while I was laughing so hard.10/10